Drop-in Peer Advising

For first and second year students, isn’t it too early to be thinking about a “career”?


It’s too early to think about an internship if you haven’t figured our your major, right?


Here’s the thing: A major isn’t the same as your career path, so SuccessWorks will help you explore both from your first day on campus.

SuccessWorks isn’t just an internship-getter-job-finder office. We focus on helping you take your next step regardless of where you are in your academic and professional journey.

All of our undergrad Career Peer Advisors have changed their mind about what they want to do with their lives at some point. Sarah wanted to go to vet school. Caitlin wanted to become an architect. Jess was pre-med.

“I wanted to be a ballerina or a cowgirl, but seeing as neither of those have panned out, I figured it was probably best to change lanes. Now, I’m proud to be a worker in the federal/public sector and serve the American people and the world in any way I can.” – Maddie Harty, Career Peer Advisor

We get it. We’re all exploring, all the time. Whatever path you’re exploring, we want to help you out along the way.

Come meet with a SuccessWorks Career Peer Advisor to…
  • Discuss your passions and goals
  • Explore our eight Career Communities to discover fields and opportunities that excite you
  • Figure out “what comes next” for you!
Then, when you’re ready, join us for:


Drop-in Career Advising

15  minute drop-in advising sessions every weekday. No appointment needed!

Third Floor, University Book Store
Monday – Friday
11:00am – 2:00pm


Still not quite ready to meet with us in person? That’s okay. Check out our website for tips and tools as you build your resume, prepare for interviews, or consider graduate school.

Wherever you are and whatever you are passionate about, SuccessWorks can give you the confidence and skills to ensure that you are Madison Made, World Ready.