Healthcare Careers Beyond Clinical Settings

@ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
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Learn about the wide variety of career paths in healthcare beyond clinical settings! You’ll get advice and tips from recent alumni from majors across campus navigating their first few years into full-time positions. Career paths you may learn about include health administration, public health, product management, medical device sales, health policy, and more! Unable to attend? Register anyways to receive a recording later.

Sponsored by SuccessWorks and the Center for Pre-Health Advising.

In partnership with: School of Human Ecology, La Follette School of Public Affairs, School of Education, and the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences

Special thanks to campus partners including the Biology Major, the Global Health Major, the Psychology major,  the PEOPLE Program, the Center for Educational Opportunity, the Health Promotion and Health Equity Major, the School of Education Career Center, the School of Human Ecology, and the Career Exploration Center


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Panelist information:

If you need an accommodation to attend this event, please contact SuccessWorks at 608-262-3921, All accommodation requests should be made no less than two weeks before the event. We will attempt to fulfill requests made after this date, but cannot guarantee they will be met.