SuccessWorks is committed to working with employers to provide equitable and inclusive practices in recruiting and the workplace.
Use these resources to start building an intentional plan for recruiting diverse talent in the College of Letters & Science. SuccessWorks staff have deep experience and connections on the UW-Madison campus. We’re ready to have a meaningful conversation about building your recruitment approach in a way that meets the needs of your organization and students in the College.
Letters & Science: The Most Diverse College at UW-Madison
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are top priorities for the College of Letters & Science.
SuccessWorks collaborates with many organizations that support students from underrepresented backgrounds, offering career development programs and connections to employers. Contact SuccessWorks to start a conversation about reaching students in these on-campus organizations.
DEI Reflection Questions for Employers
Consider these questions carefully. Your responses help SuccessWorks collaborate with your organization to create a framework for recruiting diverse talent on the UW-Madison campus.
- How can we help your organization with your diversity recruiting?
- What kind of diversity recruitment strategies has your organization implemented thus far? What has worked well for you?
- What are some key action items your organization has taken recently in Diversity and Inclusion?
- What does your organization’s hiring data tell you about who you hire, and where gaps are in your hiring goals?
- Does your organization offer a formal onboarding process or mentorship programs?
Student Support & Employer Resources
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SuccessWorks & UW Initiatives
- The Career Closet provides free professional clothing and accessories to students with financial need.
- Identity at Work is an online resource helping students navigate the job and internship process, especially as it relates to their specific backgrounds and identities. Identity at Work includes resources for LGBTQIA+ students, students with multicultural identities, students with disabilities, undocumented students, veterans & service members, women and international students.
- Social Justice Internships connect L&S students with Madison-area non-profits focused on social justice. As students build experience, their hosting organizations benefit from building recruitment connections to the L&S student body.
- The SuccessWorks Internship Fund provides funding to students completing summer internships, which is especially helpful for students completing unpaid internships, or those in areas with a high cost of living. Students are chosen based on the quality of their internship experience, financial need, and whether they are underrepresented in their school, major and/or industry.
Inclusive Reflection
Identity-Based & Specific Populations
- Pronoun Guide (UW-Madison Gender and Sexuality Campus Center)
- Interrupting Oppressive Behavior (UW-Madison Gender and Sexuality Campus Center)
- The American Veteran Experience and the Post 9/11 Generation (Recommended Reading from UW-Madison University Veteran Services)
- Job Interview: Disability-Related Questions (UW-Madison Employee Resources office)
- 3 Hiring Practices that Disadvantage Black Students (Handshake)
- Want More Latinx Candidates Try These 3 Hiring Strategies (Handshake)
DEI in Your Recruitment & HR Software
Important Terminology
Get familiar with this terminology to start building a common understanding with SuccessWorks on how best to engage students.
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Agency: Taking back or exerting power in a subordinated identity.
Ally: A person who supports marginalized, silenced, or less privileged groups without actually being a member of those groups. This person will often directly or indirectly confront systems of oppression.
Asset-based: This term refers to focusing on the strengths, assets, and cultural capital of marginalized communities, rather than their struggles. One example of this is recognizing the value of being bilingual as a strength, rather than focusing on the imperfections of someone’s English as a weakness.
Bias Incident: An intentional or unintentional act targeted at a person, group, or property expressing hostility on the basis of perceived or actual gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability. Bias incidents may consist of name-calling, epithets, slurs, degrading language, graffiti, intimidation, coercion, or harassment directed toward the targeted person or group. Acts qualify as bias acts even when delivered with humorous intent or presented as a joke or a prank.
Biracial: (adjective) of, relating to, or involving members of two races.
BIPOC: refers to Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Some people may refer to this group as “people of color” more generally. The term BIPOC is meant to provide specific emphasis to the experiences of Black and Indigenous people, whose experiences have been historically distinct from other people of color within the US.
Cisgender: A term used to describe people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. Often abbreviated to cis.
Corporate Social Responsibility: (noun) Practicing good corporate citizenship by going beyond profit maximization to make a positive impact on communities and societies.
Discrimination: The intentional and often historical prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups of people using interpersonal, institutional or cultural means.
Diversity: The presence of difference between and among communities. This can include but is not limited to: social identities
Emotional Tax: The combination of being on guard to protect against bias, feeling different at work because of gender, race, and/or ethnicity, and the associated effects on health, well-being, and ability to thrive at work.
Equality: Treating everyone the same way, often while assuming that everyone also starts out on equal footing or with the same opportunities.
Equity: Working toward fair outcomes for people or groups by treating them in ways that address their unique advantages or barriers.
Gender Identity: Gender Identity refers to an individual’s basic self-conviction of being a man, woman, a blend, or neither. This conviction is not contingent upon the individual’s sex assigned at birth. Examples of gender identity include woman, man, nonbinary, cisgender, transgender, gender fluid, etc.
Gender Expression: Gender Expression refers to the physical manifestation of one’s gender identity through clothing, hairstyle, voice, body shape, etc. and how one expresses oneself in terms of behaviors as it relates to their gender and role in society. Commonly used descriptors of gender expression include feminine, masculine, androgynous, of gender expression include feminine, masculine, androgynous, or gender non-conforming. Trans people may seek to make their gender expression (how they look) match their gender identity (who they are), rather than their sex assigned at birth.
Identity: Created for the purposes of categorizing people; based on beliefs about groups of people, not biology. Identity is something that is socially constructed. Often referred to identities include, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and religion.
Implicit Bias: When subtle negative attitudes about groups of people (e.g. stereotypes) exist without conscious awareness. Nonetheless they are pervasive and everyone possesses them regardless of a person’s good intentions. Implicit biases tend to manifest into negative, unjust, or harmful behaviors against individuals and groups.
Inclusion: The notion that an organization or system is welcoming to new populations and/or identities. This new presence is not merely tolerated, but expected to contribute meaningfully into the system in a positive, mutually beneficial way. More than simply diversity and numerical representation, inclusion involves authentic and empowered participation and a true sense of belonging.
Inclusive Excellence: The recognition that a community or institution’s success is dependent on how well it values, engages and includes the rich diversity of students, staff, faculty, administrators and alumni constituents.
Intersectional/ity: The theory—conceptualized in the 1980s by Black feminist legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw—that markers of identity do not act independently of one another, but exist simultaneously. Crenshaw originally coined the term based on the experiences of Black women, who experienced racism and sexism simultaneously, and experienced them differently than white women or black men.
Institutional oppression: Policies and practices of institutions that marginalize or subordinate.
Marginalized groups: Sub-communities socially excluded from participating in the routine and mainstream activities of a society. They often are confined to the lower or peripheral edge of a society thereby lacking access to employment, affordable formal education, healthcare and social power, which often results in income discrepancies.
Microaggression: “The everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership” –Wing Sue, D.
Minority groups: Categories of people who are differentiated from a social majority due to having less social power. They can sometimes be underrepresented in particular majors, careers or societies but can also be in majority numerically and yet lack social power or the ability to influence. Historically, minorities are often associated with people of color (e.g. Asians, Latinos, and Blacks) but it actually can be applied to other identities like gender, sexuality and religion.
Monoracial: Of a single race (ethnicity).
Multiracial: composed of, involving, or representing various races.
Neurodiversity: The concept that there is great diversity in how people’s brains are wired and work, and that neurological differences should be valued in the same way we value any other human variation.
Non-Binary (also known as Genderqueer): A category for a fluid constellation of gender identities beyond the woman/man gender binary.
Oppression: Restricted access to resources and marginalization and isolation based on social group membership.
People/Students of Color: Refer to a large group of racially and ethnically diverse people/ students from various origins. Students who self-identify or are identified as Black/African-American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American/Alaska, Native/Indigenous, Chicano/Latina/o/x, Arab/Arab American or multiracial may be represented by this term. People of color is a term used mainly in the United States and Canada to represent persons whose ethnic/racial and cultural groups have been targets of racism and/or are excluded from privileges associated with whiteness.
Prejudice: A judgment or belief that is formed on insufficient grounds before facts are known or in disregard of facts that contradict it. Prejudices are learned and can be unlearned.
Privilege: An unearned benefit or right granted to a person based on membership in a particular social group.
Social Justice: A belief that all people should have access to resources for sustaining a healthy existence.
Identity: Created for the purposes of categorizing people; based on beliefs about groups of people, not biology. Including, but not limited to, race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, and religion.
Sex Assigned at Birth: Sex Assigned at Birth refers to the assignment and classification of people as male, female, intersex, or another sex based on a combination of anatomy [genitalia], hormones, and chromosomes (i.e. primary and secondary sex characteristics). AFAB or AMAB are descriptors that are short for “Assigned Female At Birth” or “Assigned Male At Birth”. We use the term “assigned”, rather than saying “biological sex”, “real sex”, or “anatomical sex”, to highlight that in most cases, babies are assigned a sex based on sex traits or characteristics, like genitalia, by doctors or parents. Binary assignments of male or female do not fully represent the diversity of sex traits, chromosomal makeup, bodies, and genders that people may have.
Subordinated or Target group: Membership in a group that experiences oppression or marginalization in a mainstream society.
Structural oppression: Cumulative and compounding effects of societal factors.
Systemic Racism: Sometimes called structural racism, this is the racial bias across institutions and society. It describes the cumulative and compounding effects of an array of factors that systematically privilege white people and disadvantage people of color. Examples include differential access to home ownership, or disparate prison population rates for different racial groups.
Transgender: An adjective used most often as an umbrella term, and frequently abbreviated to “trans.” This adjective describes a wide range of identities and experiences of people whose gender identity and/or expression differs from expectations based on their sex assigned at birth. Not all trans people undergo medical transition (surgery, hormones, etc.). Some examples are included below:
Trans man: A general descriptor for someone assigned female at birth who identifies as a man. A person may choose to identify this way to more specifically articulate their gender identity and experience as a transgender person. Some trans men may also use the term FTM (Female-to-Male) or F2M to describe their identity.
Trans woman: A general descriptor for someone assigned male at birth who identifies as a woman. A person may choose to identify this way to more specifically articulate their gender identity and experience as a transgender person. Some trans women may also use MTF (Male-to-Female) or M2F to describe their identity.
Unconscious Bias: (noun) An implicit association, whether about people, places, or situations, which are often based on mistaken, inaccurate, or incomplete information and include the personal histories we bring to the situation.
Work-Life Effectiveness: (noun) A talent management strategy that focuses on doing the best work at the best time with the best talent. It helps businesses create flexibility, enhance agility, and drive mutually beneficial solutions for both employers and employees.
Workplace Inclusion: An atmosphere where all employees belong, contribute, and can thrive. Requires deliberate and intentional action.
Provided with permission from Colorado State University Career Services
Additional Resources:
70 Inclusive Language Principles that Will Make You a More Successful Recruiter
Let's Get Started Together
Get in touch with Seng to talk about your organization’s recruitment goals and how SuccessWorks can help you meet them.
Together, we can work to provide equitable and inclusive practices in recruiting and the workplace.
Employer Relations Coordinator
"A diverse liberal arts community — reflected in the student body, faculty, staff, administrators, trustees and other stakeholders — promotes effective teaching, produces greater learning outcomes and provides students with the tools and skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly diverse workforce and pluralistic society in which differences are respected and appreciated."
College of Letters & Science Diversity Statement